Countries to buy International Real Estate with crypto

Countries to buy International Real Estate with crypto – A question that people are increasingly asking me is how to buy international real estate with crypto. This article will describe some interesting ways this can be achieved as well as the following topics

Why are people buying International Real Estate with crypto

Banking issues
A problem many crypto investors face is fiat off-ramps. In many cases, it can be quite challenging to convert crypto holdings, especially if they are significant, back into fiat in a bank account. Many banks refuse to deal with crypto, especially if the sums are significant.

In some cases, even if you manage to convert large crypto gains into fiat in your bank account, banks in other countries will not accept the transfer. If for example if you send $500k to the UK to buy an apartment there, the bank in the UK is almost guaranteed to ask for “source of funds” documents. This means the receiving bank in the UK, not even your own bank, wants to know where the money came from. If all you manage to show are documents from crypto exchanges, in many cases the receiving bank will simply send the money back (minus transfer fees).

To hedge with real assets

Real estate is a completely different asset class to crypto. It is a hard asset you can touch, and that has been proven as a generally good store of value for thousands of years, unlike fiat currency.

For crypto enthusiasts who don’t want all their eggs in one basket, owning some real estate as a hedge is a sensible diversification, albeit less exciting than an all-in YOLO.

International real estate can be a great plan B

Many, though not all, crypto investors are known to be skeptical of Government. Owning real estate in another country is a great way to hedge against political and economic risk in your own country. In some of the countries I will mention below, owning real estate even entitles the property owner to residency in the country (!). So not only do you own real estate there, but you also gain the right to move there and live there full time.

Additionally, some of these countries are known to be low-tax for tax residents.

Countries to buy International Real Estate with crypto

Buy real estate in Ukraine with crypto

I wrote extensively, and produced several videos, on real estate in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine. It is, I believe, the highest yielding real estate market in the world. If you play your cards right, you can get rental yields of 8-10%, sometimes even more for larger sums invested.

Obviously Ukraine comes with its own set of risks (potential war with Russia, general instability), but nothing a crypto investor can’t handle

Buy real estate in Montenegro with crypto

Montenegro is a stunningly beautiful country on the Adriatic coast, just across from Italy. I typically spend my summers there, and have done many real estate deals in the country. I wrote an article on the real estate market in Montenegro here.

In the summer you can go swimming, and in the winter you can go skiing against the backdrop of massive wealth, super-yachts, luxury marinas, as well as local inexpensive places. It is a fascinating little country where you can access high luxury, yet live comfortably nearby on the cheap like a local.

Buy real estate in Turkey with crypto

Turkey is a case study in why people invest in crypto. The Turkish Lira has been in free fall. The result though, is that real estate in the capital Istanbul has become incredibly good value. Where else in the world can you buy near-prime real estate in a bustling city of more than 15 million for $1,000-$2,000 per m2?

It’s truly amazing, and Istanbul is fun, exciting, cosmopolitan and never boring. It truly is one of the world’s great cities. I wrote in detail about the Istanbul real estate market here.

It’s possible to obtain Turkish citizenship if you buy $250,000 worth of real estate (article here), but with crypto this is complicated because of the source of funds.

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