We are so excited that you are interested in becoming a part of the New Church of Faith family. It is our prayer that you will grow to know God, experience His closeness and enjoy everything this “big family” has to offer. Where you choose to worship is important, because God wants you to be taught and covered with love, truth and integrity. Our mission at NCOF is to “Develop people of faith and excellence who Win Souls, Meet Needs, Heal Hurts and Love People.”
At New Church of Faith, we don’t have Members. We have Partners. It is our desire that everyone at our physical campuses and our online campus will do their “Part” to make NCOF everything God has called us to be.
New Church of Faith’s online campus gives you the ability to connect via a myriad of web connected devices. We are a family and community that experiences spiritual growth together, no matter where we are in the world. We are able to engage with each other during the worship opportunities and messages from our pastors, Russ & Meka Beacham. Each Sunday and Wednesday, our online community, volunteers and partners are able to log in and share the church experience together.
We are committed to staying connected, through live chats, prayer, partnership, weekly encouragement, ministry auxiliaries and volunteer opportunities. If you ever miss a Sunday service or Bible Study, the most recent service videos will always be available to watch on New Church of Faith’s Youtube channel.
It is our prayer that as you connect with us today, you will experience the love of God and the closeness that this family provides. We love you and are glad to welcome you Home!!
“At New Church of Faith, we don’t have Members. We have Partners.“
become a partner
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